Five Reasons Your Car Could Be Making Loud Noises

Things that Cause a Squealing Sound in Your Car's Engine

Whether you're simply completing errands in Salt Lake City or embarking on a weekend getaway, the last thing you want to encounter in your vehicle is a squealing or other high-pitched noise. Such sounds not only draw unwanted attention but also signify an underlying issue with your car. Now, what could possibly be causing such a loud and unpleasant noise?

Our seasoned technicians at Nate Wade Subaru's authorized service center have encountered a wide range of vehicle issues, and we believe in keeping our customers informed about their vehicles. To shed light on this noisy dilemma, we've compiled a list of the top five common reasons for those squealing and high-pitched noises emanating from your vehicle. When your car starts drawing unwanted attention with its cacophonous complaints, don't leave it to chance with just any mechanic. Bring it to our shop in Salt Lake City for top-notch automotive care.

5. A Whistling Sound May Mean Overheating

Did you realize that when an engine overheats, it often emits a somewhat mournful whistling sound? This occurs when the engine coolant reaches its boiling point, and the whistle-like noise is a result of excess pressure being released. It's similar to a kettle signaling that it's time for tea. However, in your car's case, it's signaling that it's time to summon a tow truck and entrust the entire situation to professionals.

If you're hearing this high-pitched sound, exercise extreme caution when working under the hood. Touching the radiator cap can cause burns, and removing the cap when there's pressure in the system may lead to a release of boiling coolant. Typically, this problem is accompanied by some steam and an engine temperature warning light.

The Whistle Of Overheating
When Was The Last Time You Had The Brakes Checked?

4. Have You Had Your Brakes Checked?

For those who diligently follow the recommended maintenance schedule at an authorized dealership service center like ours, there's usually no surprise when it's time to replace the brake pads. Keeping track of wear parts such as brake pads is an essential aspect of vehicle maintenance. However, we still encounter many vehicles in our service center with brake pads that have worn down to the point of emitting a squealing noise. This issue is typically straightforward to diagnose. If you hear squealing every time you apply the brakes, it's a clear sign that it's time to replace the brake pads. Delaying this replacement can lead to damage to the brake rotors as well, so prompt action is essential.

3. Take A Look At Your Power Steering System

Many new Subaru models now come equipped with electric power steering, eliminating the need for power steering fluid or a hydraulic system. However, the majority of cars still in use today rely on a hydraulic power steering system that necessitates a specific type of fluid. When this fluid becomes low or when the power steering pump starts to malfunction, you may notice a squealing noise. This noise is typically most pronounced when the steering wheel is turned to its full extent in one direction.

2. It Could Be A Bad Bearing On An Engine Accessory Pulley

While the previous reasons for squealing noises are typically intermittent and tied to specific driving conditions, this particular squeal is more likely to be heard when the engine is running. Most modern vehicles are equipped with a serpentine belt that loops around various pulleys, including at least one tensioner and possibly one or more idler pulleys. This belt is responsible for turning the pulleys connected to essential components such as the AC compressor, power steering pump, and the engine's water pump. Over time, the bearings within these pulleys can wear out, leading to squealing noises whenever the engine is running.

Bad Bearing On An Engine Accessory Pulley

1. Your Belt May Be Slipping

In the past, cars used to have multiple belts to operate various accessories. For these classic vehicles, each belt had to be manually adjusted to strike the right balance – not too tight to damage the pulley bearing, and not too loose to prevent slipping. As you can imagine, belt-related noises were more frequent in those days. Thankfully, most modern cars on the road today feature a single serpentine belt that is routed around pulleys to drive all the accessories.

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